(c) Version – Main Server Framework - SECURITY LEVEL 1

116.635.891.00:/pacific ocean federal police main database


112.587.369.24:/secret question needed
112.587.369.24:/provide access for yourself

:/question yourself

024.965.842.31:/login table reached
024.965.842.31:/brute force the password with all possible strings
024.965.842.31:/crack -Username -password –
024.965.842.31:/syntax -application -gateway
024.965.842.31:/display results on screen and receive Ip info

:/password crack

132.365.986.44:/password possibilities 87
132.365.986.44:/username possibilities 125
132.365.986.44:/estimated breach time 2h 45m 32s
132.365.986.44:/atlantic federal police firewall activated
132.365.986.44:/display results on screen and receive python (filename)

:/breach firewall

033.365.985.42:/file found code:562.145
033.365.985.42:/event type and threat level: public – level 5
033.365.985.42:/event name: storm area 51
033.365.985.42:/open event file (extension unknown) and download all available data
033.365.985.42:/clear logs --/
033.365.985.42:/-ipconfig switch

:/storm event
MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmhs+:-.````` .-:shmNMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMNms:. -/+oossssso++/. `-odNMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMms:` .+ss+/////////////os+/``-odMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMh+. .+syo+//////////////////+hs/``+hNMMMMMM MMMMMd:` :oso+///////////////////////++s+``-hMMMMM MMMNo` -so//////////////////////////////+y+``oNMMM MMN/` +h+////////////////////////////////+oy.`/mMM MNo oho+/////////////////////////////////++h. +NM My/ :hs++///////////////////////////////////oh .sM Ms yy+o////////////////////////////////////+h- oM M/ `do+o////////////////////////////////////+yo /N m/ :h+++/////////////////////////////////////oh -y s `ho+//////////////////////////////////////++h/ + - +y+y+/////////////////////////////////////osod`- hoyyo+///+++++///////////////////++oo+///oyyoh: ` ys+sy+//osyyyssso////////////+oosyysssosoosood-` +``ohso/sdyysydmmhso+////////ossdmmhhhysdhsooyy:`+ Mh- `syoN+y+-:shddmms+//////oshmmd+-:shh+hdsh: -hM MMN/ `dymodhsyh++dddmy+////+odmddhhssho+hsmy+ :mMM MMMy hsdydddddddddddms////+hdddddddddddhdyh: oMMM MMMy: oysydmmdddddddmdys///ydddddddddmmmhood``yMMM MMMm/ .hsssosyhhdddhhhy+///ohhhddddhysoooosy /hMMM MMMMy` os+/+o+++///+++///////++o++///++++oh.`yMMMM MMMMN+ `ho+/////////////////////////////od+ +mMMMM MMMMMm: .hy+///////////////////////////+yo :dMMMMM MMMMMMh: .hy+/////////////+///////////+y+ -hMMMMMM MMMMMMMN+``yh+/////////o+/o//////////+y/ :dMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMN+` +h+//////+oooo++//+/////+y-`/dMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMNy. -so////o+osyyhyso+////s+`-sNMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMNo` /s+///////+///////so..oNMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMm+. /o+///////////o+.`+dMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMd: `hso///+//+ss+ -dMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMy. +osoooooos+h``sMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMd: .y//////+/+y .hMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMN/` /h/oo++/y/+d` :mMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMh: `ohs/y+++/h//dy: -hMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMNh+. :yoy+/s+++/y//s+so.`/hNMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMN+` .ooyo+///////+///+sss/``:mMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMN+ `.://-.-//-.////::++/::/`-dMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMh/```.` .:` .//. :/` .-:sNMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMmddmd+--:o+.``--. `.+mmNMMMMMMMMMMMM Facebook event to storm Area 51 Main article: Storm Area 51, They Can't Stop All of Us In July 2019, more than 1,900,000 people responded to a joke proposal to storm Area 51 which appeared in an anonymous Facebook post. A further 1,500,000 people said they were interested in the event, scheduled for 20 September 2019, and billed as "Storm Area 51, They Can't Stop All of Us", an attempt to "see them aliens”. Air Force spokeswoman Laura McAndrews said government officials knew about the proposal. In a statement to The Washington Post, she said: (Area 51) is an open training range for the U.S. Air Force, and we would discourage anyone from trying to come into the area where we train American armed forces. The U.S. Air Force always stands ready to protect America and its assets. The media reported that the proposal's creator has said it was satirical and meant as a joke. Area 51 has become a focus of modern conspiracy theories due to its secretive nature and connection to classified aircraft research. Theories include: -The storage, examination, and reverse engineering of crashed alien spacecraft, including material supposedly recovered at Roswell, the study of their occupants, and the manufacture of aircraft based on alien technology -Meetings or joint undertakings with extraterrestrials -The development of exotic energy weapons for the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) or other weapons programs -The development of weather control -The development of time travel and teleportation technology -The development of exotic propulsion systems related to the Aurora Program -Activities related to a shadowy one world government or the Majestic 12 organization Over one million people have signed up to a joke Facebook event, calling on users to meet at Area 51, the US Air Force base in Nevada that's long been a source of alien conspiracy theories, in September. "If we Naruto run, we can move faster than their bullets," the page says, referencing the Japanese manga-inspired running style with arms outstretched backwards and heads forward. "Let's see them aliens." Copy files on your HDD and clear logs. Then type the hidden message from the article to move onto the next stage.

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:/files copied succesfully...

:/logs cleared successfully...

:/Error console..
